Diverse Church in KCK || Breaking The Gates of Hell

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The Cure KC is known for many things, and being a diverse church in KCK is one of them. We LOVE diversity because God loves it.

Being a diverse church in KCK is important because there are many different kinds of people and we want to reach all that we can.

God uses the fact that we are earthen vessels to show that all things are by His power and not our effort.  Many times after attempting to do things in our own effort we find God has to break us.  


Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Matt 16:16-18


In this portion of scripture Jesus is asking a question,


“Who do people say I am?”


But then He asks,


“Who do you say that I am?”


Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matt 16:16


We all know Peter.  He is the disciple that Jesus would have said had anger issues, was still cussing, and he was was struggling in life.  But with all that Peter had one thing going for him.

He could hear from the Father.  The greatest thing you can do is hear from God.If you can’t hear from Him you can’t build His kingdom.


Peter’s name means a piece of the rock.  But in the Bible rocks can take out giants.  You may have issues like addiction that you can’t seem to get delivered from, but if you can hear from God He can use you.


Jesus said the gates of hell can not prevail but not because you’re perfect but because if you can hear from Him He can use you.


We are in a time when people say we don’t need to go to church. Did you know that the above scripture is the first time that the word church was used.  This word in the Greek is ecclesia which means assembly or congregation. This word is not pointing to individuals but to us collectively.  When we gather together we are the church.  


The gathering of God meets together for two reasons…worship and the mission.  When we come together we are having church. As we gather we pool our resources to advance God’s mission here on earth.


When we come together we are having church.  Do we all get along?  About as well as two porcupines in a snow storm.  Every time we try to get close and warm each other up we poke each other.  We are constantly falling out with one another.  But even in this God has a purpose.  It’s in that falling out that we are forced to respond as Christ would.


We all know heaven will be diverse.  Every nation and every color will be there worshipping God.  The church on earth should reflect that.  But how can so many people function the same under one roof?  Because there is only one church under Jesus Christ.  


God wants this church to get out our spiritual banners  and speak out.  God is not going to use politicians, parties, or organizations.  He wants to use the church to hear from Him, to be His voice, and tear down the gates of Hell.


There is something so powerful about a church united and walking in love.  If it wasn’t for Christ many of us would never be friends.    Jesus wants us to bring us around people who are not like us.  In everyday circumstances this can feel awkward. But when you’re broken and hurting you don’t care about differences like skin color.  You just want help.


In Acts chapter 10 God connects Peter with a Roman centurion named Cornelius.  Up to this point Peter had only been reaching out to the Jews.  In this passage of scripture God revealed the prejudice in Peter’s heart toward those who were not Jewish. For a moment Peter resisted God’s voice but when He understood what God was saying he laid down that prejudice, went to Cornelius’ home and the whole Italian family was saved.


Then he said to them, “You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Therefore I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. Acts 10: 28-29


Peter the angry, loud mouthed, cussing fisherman heard from God, laid down his prejudice, and God used him!


Listen, there are people standing outside your gate that God wants you to minister to.  God didn’t save you to get you out of hell.  He wants to use you to win your unsaved family, your coworkers, and your friends.  We have to tear down the gates of prejudice and animosity that keep us from winning the lost.  


When 9/11 happened in 2001 it was a Tuesday.  We didn’t wait for Wednesday night service we opened the doors of the church and all sorts of people poured in to pray. I know this.  In times of trouble, chaos, and war everyone is your brother.


We need to stop fighting on the wrong battlefield and tear down the gates of hell.  We are in a war and we need to pool our resources and blast through those gates.


As a church we are not here for entertainment or spiritual back rubs.  This is God’s church and this Gospel is for the rich, the poor, white, black, and every other skin color on God’s earth.


I’m urging you to get ahold of God.  The enemy has kept us on the wrong side of the gate for too long.  Tear it down and let God use you that those he has called you to reach may hear about the God of today.


Pray this with me,


Father make me desperate to hear your voice.  I confess I’m a mess. I have issues.  I’m not the Christian I want to be but if you want to use me I’m willing.  Please reveal the issues in my heart that prevent me from accomplishing your will and grant me the grace to overcome them.  Speak Lord your servant hears.